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Harmony is born out of a genuine empathy for the horse and a compassionate awareness of the mental and physical impact of the work on the horse.



Riding Tips

Establishing Equestrian Ideals, by Erik Herbermann

The Great Age Debate, by Sally White

Sustainable Dressage, Theresa Sandin

Understanding the Role of Tempo in Achieving Relaxation for the Horse, by Lynne Sprinsky

Are Your Seatbones Forward? A Test, by Lynne Sprinsky

Discovering Your "Kreuz", by Lynne Sprinsky

And They Call Us Horse Lovers, By Robert M. Miller, DVM

Recommended Reading


Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor. This book is not so much about training dogs as it is about the principles of behavior science which are applicable to dressage.



Dressage Formula 4th Edition, by Erik Herbermann. A timeless classic. Dressage Formula is also available on CD.

A Horseman's Notes by  by Erik Herbermann

Gymnasium of the Horse, by Gustav Steinbrecht. A tough read but filled with valuable information.

Horsemanship, by Waldemar Seunig. My all-time favorite! Another tough read but it’s also filled with valuable information.

The Rider Forms the Horse, by Udo Burger (chief veterinary officer at the "Cavalry School" in Hanover) and Otto Zietzschmann (professor of anatomy at the School of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover).

Dressage Riding, by Richard Watjen

Riding Logic, by Wilhelm Museler

The Way to Perfect Horsemanship, by Udo Burger

Centered Riding, by Sally Swift is a book that can be helpful for those who learn through visualization and imagery.



Dressage, the Art of Classical Riding by Sylvia Loch


Equine Sites

Spanish Riding School of Vienna


Body Condition Scoring System


David Gilpin Saddle Fitting


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last updated January, 2009